Change your food life


Inspire. Coach. Share.

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Christine is an inspired nutrition coach who meets the needs of people who struggle in the day-to-day with food. As coach, nutrition expert, and author, Christine leads the way to client-centered health solutions.

She is undeniably curious about where the challenge began, who influences food decisions, why people make the food choices they do, and how to help along the food life journey. She respects food as a topic of medical science, culinary creativity, and wellness. Her passion turns these interests into compelling motivational plans to assist clients become as nutritiously well as they can be.

Registered Dietitian - Nutritionist

Doctorate in Education

Christine’s work around the world has shown common themes among people who struggle to change their food life. Although we are all unique, we face similar barriers to health goals and can overcome them too.

Her career spans health and education in community nutrition project management, health leadership, university faculty, and patient-centered care research. Professional practice in dietetics crosses all health domains including hospitals, aged care homes, community services, and specialty clinics. Dr. McIntosh’s services and outreach aim to fill in communication gaps in a complicated food world.

A portion of all fees goes to local and global food charity.


Ryerson University - BASc

University of Alabama - MSc

Nipissing University - PhD

Professional Registrations

• Dietitians of Ontario
• Dietitian- Florida
• Dietitians Australia


  • Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (USA)

  • Dietitians of Canada